Friends of Missisquoi Calendar

Management of the Missisquoi River Watershed @ Missisquoi NWR Visitor Center
Oct 13 @ 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM

As part of our National Wildlife Refuge Week festivities, the Friends of Missisquoi welcome Karen Bates from the VT Department of Environmental Conservation to discuss the management of the Missisquoi River watershed.  Learn about how the Agency of Natural Resources develops watershed management plans for the Missisquoi River. The strategies support enhanced stewardship of the landscape draining towards the river to reduce pollutant loading and protect the ecosystems that play an important role in enhancing flood resilience.

The speaker, Karen Bates, watershed planner for the Water Investment Division has worked collaboratively with watershed partners to develop these plans over the last 20 years.

This is one of a series of presentations at our Missisquoi Wildlife Fair. Visit for the schedule and details of the day’s events.

Becoming a Friend of Northern Lake Champlain @ Missisquoi NWR Visitor Center
Oct 13 @ 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

As part of our National Wildlife Refuge Week festivities, the Friends of Missisquoi welcome Bridget Butler from the Friends of Northern Lake Champlain. The FNLC staff will share their work locally to improve water quality in the region and share simple ways you can take action at home and in your community.

This is one of a series of presentations at our Missisquoi Wildlife Fair. Visit for the schedule and details of the day’s events.

Foraging 101 @ Missisquoi NWR Visitor Center
Oct 13 @ 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM

Like hunting, gathering native edible plants and fungi for sustenance and health used to be a way of life. Today, most people obtain what they need from a grocery or drugstore, and few know what native plants are edible or how to use them. Luckily there are some people who still know the gathering ways of their elders and incorporate foraged foods into their diet and as natural medicines.

As part of our National Wildlife Refuge Week festivities, the Friends of Missisquoi welcome Donna Toneatti to give us some basics about native plants as foods and medicines. This is one of a series of presentations at our Missisquoi Wildlife Fair. Visit for the schedule and details of the day’s events.

Grasslands, Birds, and Pollinators @ Missisquoi NWR Visitor Center
Oct 13 @ 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM

As part of our National Wildlife Refuge Week festivities, the Friends of Missisquoi welcome Kevin Tolan to discuss everything grassland! Learn about the benefits and challenges of managing Vermont’s grasslands for birds and pollinators.

Kevin is a graduate student at UVM and a biologist with the Vermont Center for Ecostudies in Norwich, VT.

This is one of a series of presentations at our Missisquoi Wildlife Fair. Visit for the schedule and details of the day’s events.

Managing the Missisquoi National Wildlife Refuge @ Missisquoi NWR Visitor Center
Oct 13 @ 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM

Do you want to learn about the Missisquoi National Wildlife Refuge from the person who knows the refuge the best? As part of our National Wildlife Refuge Week festivities, Ken Sturm, the refuge manager of the Missisquoi NWR will give a presentation on the highlights of the refuge. Ken has been the manager of Missisquoi since 2011.

This is one of a series of presentations at our Missisquoi Wildlife Fair. Visit for the schedule and details of the day’s events.

Foraging Walk @ Missisquoi NWR Visitor Center
Oct 13 @ 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM

Donna Toneatti will lead a walk on the refuge and discuss the foraging native plants that can be used for food and medicines.

Please note: The physical taking of any plants or animals is prohibited on the Missisquoi National Wildlife Refuge, so no plants will be removed on this walk.

This is one of a series of presentations at our Missisquoi Wildlife Fair. Visit for the schedule and details of the day’s events

The State of the Lake @ Missisquoi NWR Visitor Center
Oct 13 @ 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM

As part of our National Wildlife Refuge Week festivities, the Friends of Missisquoi welcome Colleen Hickey to discuss the 2024 State of the Lake. The Lake Champlain Basin Program publishes the State of the Lake Report every several years to inform citizens and resource managers about the health of the Lake. Colleen will discuss the latest important findings from the recently published report.

This is one of a series of presentations at our Missisquoi Wildlife Fair. Visit for the schedule and details of the day’s events.

The Indians of the Missisquoi River Basin — 1800 to Today @ Missisquoi NWR Visitor Center
Oct 14 @ 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM

On this Indigenous Peoples Day occurring on October 14th, the Friends of Missisquoi are honored to recognize the care of the Refuge’s lands and waters by the Abenaki. They will be hosting Fred Wisemen who will be presenting a program entitled: The Indians of the Missisquoi River Basin — 1800 to today.

The Missisquoi River basin covers a huge area of Northwestern Vermont, from Eden in central Vermont to the bird’s foot delta in the Missisquoi Wildlife Refuge.  He will explore the Indigenous people who have lived in the floodplains, uplands, and hills of the river basin for over 200 years.  He begins by exploring their “Indian” Identity through the eyes of local early 20th century officials who recorded their ethnicity on state and federal documents, then develops the idea of an “Indian community,” including social and geographic boundaries that tie the people together.  He then shares Indigenous stories, historic images, artifacts, and landscapes of the Basin.  The program will be supplemented by a slide show and display of original native made artifacts.   There will be time for questions and discussion. Please join us as we celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day and National Wildlife Refuge Week with this special presentation!

How to Love a Forest with Ethan Tapper @ Missisquoi NWR Visitor Center
Oct 18 @ 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM

The Friends of Missisquoi welcome forester AND NEW AUTHOR, Ethan Tapper, to the refuge. Ethan will be talking caring for forests and reading from his newly released, How to Love a Forest. We will be partnering with The Eloquent Page in St. Albans who will have copies of Ethan’s book on hand for purchase.

Please join us as we celebrate National Wildlife Refuge Week with this special presentation!

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