Visiting the Refuge

WinterrefugeTrails are open every day from dawn until dusk and the Refuge Visitor Center is open daily Monday through Friday. Visitors are welcome to view the many educational exhibits, learn about refuge management programs and find out what’s going on at the refuge to benefit both wildlife and people.

The Refuge Visitor Center hours are:

Monday – Friday                                        8:00 am – 4:00 pm

Saturdays & Sundays (Seasonally)     TBD

Check out our programs and walks by clicking on the What’s Happening Calendar in the sidebar to the right. Programs and walks are free but reservations may be required. Contact the refuge office at 802-868-4781 for more information and to reserve your spot!

For more information about the Refuge and its history, please visit their website by clicking here.

Non-membership donations

For memberships, please Join Online