Old Railroad Passage Trail
From the Headquarter parking lot, turn left onto Tabor Road. Drive about 1 mile south and turn left into the parking lot across the road from Stephen Young Marsh. A kiosk here gives information about the trail.
The trail cuts across the field to an abandoned railroad bed. In this area, grassland birds can be seen, such as Bobolinks, Savannah Sparrows, and Eastern Meadowlarks. Tree Swallows, Yellow Warblers, and Common Yellowthroats are abundant, and a Northern Harrier often cruises the fields. As you reach the far end of the field, listen for Alder and Willow Flycatchers. The trail takes a short jog to the left, then rejoins the railroad bed. From this point on, the trail passes through a wet, forested area, with Maquam Bog stretching off to the left. Many warblers and the occasional Ruffed Grouse can be seen here.
The trail eventually ends up at Maquam Bay, and the railroad bed becomes less obvious. If you go past the refuge boundary signs, be very careful that you know how to find the railroad trail again, since it can be very hard to see. Retrace your steps back to the parking lot.