2018 Big Sit! – Birding event
Tabor Rd
Swanton, VT 05488
The Friends of MNWR will be holding their second annual “Big Sit!” at the Stephen J. Young Marsh observation platform. We plan to have observers present from dawn until dusk on Saturday, October 13.
What is a Big Sit!? It’s an annual, international, noncompetitive birding event organized by the Bird Watcher’s Digest magazine. It’s like a Big Day or a bird-a-thon in that the goal is to count as many bird species as possible within a 24-hour period—but with the major restriction that observations must be made from within a 17-foot diameter circle! The platform at Stephen Young Marsh is well within the 17-foot limit. In 2017 we watched from 6:00 AM to 6:30 PM and observed 35 species—not bad for October.
Come join us for the whole day, for an hour or two, or just stop in and say hello. Located on Tabor Rd, about 1 mile south of the refuge Visitor Center.
Find our event on Facebook for more information!